Blog Post

Resilience - the psychological immune system

Team Hamburger Heilpraktiker Fachschule • Nov. 23, 2021

Welcome to a new podcast series from the Hamburg healing practice school. Our topic this time is psychological resilience, which can also be seen as „the psychological immune system“.

Resilience is the ability to react appropriately to challenges and changes in life and to grow from the experience and not to draw a disadvantage from what one has experienced. Be it a drastic experience or a long-term trauma that has influenced our lives over a long period of time.

Resilience means that when an event happens which was unpredictable and could change your life, you can act on it with flexibility. A resilient person accepts the change, questions why the circumstances came in to their life, questions what the causes and consequences are and recognizes the benefits and the meaning behind them.
The opposite of resilience is vulnerability, which means that a person is more prone to mental injuries due to external influences. Vulnerable people tend to develop mental illness. For adults, resilience is more often a question of coping with a single or mostly brief event. Meaning that these people do not lose their strong personality after a trauma. They don’t give up because of what they have experienced, but in the best case still gain strength because they grow from it.

When it comes to resilience in children, it is often talked about the consequences of a protracted harmful environment. For example, when a child has lived in poverty for a long time or experienced abuse and violence in their home and is later in life still able to be successful and optimistic as an adult.

You can even tell directly from behavior whether a child is resilient. Because it is more sensitive and emotional than non-resilient or vulnerable children who are emotionally influenced by the events around them. They also talk about their feelings, they have more confidence and are NOT tough, but rather allow their weaknesses to show and are also more likely to look for help.

Of course, this also applies to adults. Because with the properties just listed, it is more likely that the trauma or the change in life is actually perceived and processed. The more feelings, the more anger and pain are allowed, the more we cry, the less these feelings get stuck in the body or soul. If people are tough, talk little about their feelings and what they have experienced is repressed, it is harmful because these feelings are swallowed down and are actually internalized and express themselves as emotional injuries in illnesses or mental disorders. 

And that is exactly where our Synergie“ Training Concept Starts. It gives the trainees the tools they need to help their future patients accordingly. Because precisely this issue of resilience / vulnerability becomes essential if there is no physical cause for the patient's illness. In this case the naturopath enters the field of „psychosomatic“. The body expresses itself because the emotional injuries could not be processed. The person is no longer in harmony, the synergy is missing and is not in balance.

Body, soul and mind are like three team players in a game. When the soul and mind are neglected, the body has to take over the game for the events of life. And of course that cannot be dealt with alone, which can lead to a "burn out", for example. That is why it is important to meet the obstacles and challenges in life with an open attitude, to talk about them, to allow weaknesses and to develop empathy and self-love for yourself. 

Find more information on our website or contact us.

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